عرض المشاركات من فبراير, ٢٠١٨

Techno club question paper with answers-2

Techno club competition is conducted every year by RAA(Rashtriya Avishkar Abh…

Techno club question paper with answers -3

Techno club competition is conducted every year by RAA(Rashtriya Avishkar Abh…

What is software?; introduction and their functions

Compute rsoftwares are well designed programes using various computer languag…

operations system and types

Computer is working using many operations system with lots of hardwares and s…

Networking basics and transmission media

Computer networking makes the world shrink and one can communicate with each …

internet introduction and useful terms for searching in internet

Internet usage is the essential skill for everyone to communicate each other …

Basics of computers

Every one must know about the basics of the computers and its usage .


Ms office Excel quick refference guide for begginers to remember and get practice

Tn ict teachers.com team provide ict related materials and tutorials.

Ms office word quick refference guide for begginers to remember and get practice

Tn ict teachers.com team provide ict related materials and tutorials.

Tn schools( IRAT) app instalation and working progress manual guide

This application is Developed by Government of Tamilnadu for 10th and 12th sta…

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