الصفحة الرئيسيةgeogebra Geogebra tutorial in Tamil Zeal Study ديسمبر 29, 2017 0 تعليقات Facebook Twitter Geogebra is a wonderful software can be used by teachers as well as students to under stand the maths and science concepts well here we are given tutorials for geoegbra constructions in tamil kindly use them and teach it with ease. Geogebra tutorial in tamil part 1 Geogebra tutorial in tamil part 2 Geogebra tutorial in tamil part 3 geogebra tutorial in Tamil part 4 Geogebra tutorial in Tamil part 5 Geogebra Tutorial in Tamil part 6 line Tool steps Circumcentre of a Triangle construction geogebra tutorial in Tamil part 7 geocentre construction steps using geogebra tutorial in tamil part 8 Ortho centre of a Triangle Construction using Geogebra steps Tutorial in Tamil part 9 Incentre of a triangle construction using Geogebra steps tutorial in Tamil Tags geogebra geogebra tutorial geogebra tutorial in tamil Facebook Twitter
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